CategoriesDesign Education Job & Career

In Design Thinking, Why is Empathy Important?

Design Thinking is an approach to problem solving that engages a person to understand and empathize with user needs, identifying/re-defining problems, brainstorming ideas, and test those ideas using prototypes to learn and iterate towards the best solution for the users. There are 5-steps in the Design Thinking Process, which consist of:  Empathy Define Ideate Prototype […]

CategoriesDesign Education Opportunity

Valuable Resources for UX Design

Whether you’re an aspiring UX designer or a seasoned UX professional, staying on top of UX design trends is crucial at every stage of your career. Adapting to evolving user expectations, embracing new technologies, and continuously refining your skills to deliver exceptional user experiences are just a few key factors that contribute to achieving success […]

Gradient Graphic Design Image for Design for Social Good CategoriesDesign Education

Understanding Design for Social Good

When Executive Director Shaun Tai founded Oakland Digital in 2009, he wanted to create a space in which students and job seekers of color from under-resourced backgrounds bridge the digital literacy divide by providing them advanced graphic and professional skills to help them succeed in a meaningful career in tech and make a global difference.  […]

CategoriesDesign Education

What is User Experience (UX) Design?

User Experience (UX) Design is the process of designing and creating digital products, services, and environments that meet the needs of users and provide them with a satisfying and meaningful experience. It involves the application of design, psychology, and technology to understand the behaviors, motivations, and expectations of users and create products that are usable, […]