Hire BRIDGEGOOD Design Studio
Creative Services
Support local talent — get your next project done while helping student Creatives build experience to jumpstart their career.
Support local talent. Connect clients and creatives. Design for social good.
It all started with the question: How might we support local students by connecting them with design projects for nonprofits and small businesses in need? By hiring BRIDGEGOOD Design Studio, your organization receives quality design work completed by local talent while creating a world with opportunity for everyone.

BRIDGEGOOD Sports Client: Oakland A's
The Oakland A’s (Major League Baseball) hired BRIDGEGOOD Design Studio to create a Community Report and Board Game Giveaway brochure. Our team provided project consultation, market research, concept development & refinement, and final delivery of both projects in 8 weeks.

BRIDGEGOOD Nonprofit Client: City Hope
Annual Report
Consultation + Print Design
BRIDGEGOOD Tech Client: Twilio

Twilio hired BRIDGEGOOD Design Studio to lead their Sales Efficiency UX Workshops and conduct User Research & UI Design for their Schedule Forecaster Project. Twilio recognizes the power and importance of designing for social good. As such, BRIDGEGOOD presented a series of customized UX trainings to the Twilio sales team. Additionally, our designers helped optimize the user journey and experience of their client facing product creating twelve (12) high fidelity wireframes and a working prototype.
BRIDGEGOOD Community Client: The East Oakland Collective

Brand Identity
Consultation + Logo Design

BRIDGEGOOD Partnership Clients: Adobe & Golden State Warriors
Adobe hired BRIDGEGOOD Design Studio to create a kids sketchbook (Peaceful Warriors) and to provide digital literacy & design education to underserved Bay Area youth. In partnership with the Golden State Warriors (National Basketball Association) and Adobe, we introduced design software, tech hardware, and creative inspiration to over 300 students in Oakland and San Francisco.